The City of Bethel Council approved funding for the Ayaprun Elitnaurviat Cross Country Program and the Bethel Community Services Foundation’s Jesuit Volunteer for the library during last week’s council meeting through the City’s Community Action Grant (CAG) Program.
Ayaprun Elitnaurviat Cross Country Program grant will cover costs expended when the school sponsors a marathon in which school kids run a mile a day for 25 days. Costs would include bags, t-shirts, water bottles, and medals. The total grant award for Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Cross Country is $1,557.47.
The Bethel Community Services Foundation – Library Jesuit Volunteer grant of $18,000 will cover cost of a Jesuit Volunteer serving in the Kuskokwim Consortium Library for one year to provide outreach services. An additional $15,680 will cover afterschool tutoring at the library or over zoom. The total grant award is $33,680.
The City of Bethel established the Community Action Grant Program to allow community and individuals to request financial support for programs or events that contribute to the health, welfare, and overall quality of life for residents of Bethel, especially its most vulnerable populations.
Funding for the program comes from 20% of the Alcohol Tax collected by the City. The balance available on November 17, 2020 for CAG distribution was $175,936.23.
The Community Action Grant Technical Review Board reviews grant applications, scores them, and provides funding recommendations to City Council.
The Committee accepted and scored two applications received during the two open application periods for Quarter 3 and 4. The Committee met on November 17 and November 30, 2020.
Applicants were given a chance to discuss their projects and answer questions from the Board members. The Board recommended that City Council fund the following projects at the amounts indicated. Action Memorandum 20-56, which details the award requests and project summaries passed unanimously.