Coastal Villages Board of Directors Chevak Election

by CVRF Staff

Residents of Chevak went to the polls for the second time this summer to elect Alfred Ulroan to the Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF) Board of Directors in a runoff election held on August 15th. Mr. Ulroan is a lifelong resident of Chevak and an active member of the community, with experience serving on the Chevak City Council and working for the Kashunamiut School District.
CVRF community residents ages 18 or older are eligible to vote for the representative for their community. Each community’s Board member is elected from a slate of candidates and must receive the majority (more than 50 percent) of the votes cast.
In Chevak’s recent election and many other cases, the Election Committee called for a run-off election between the two candidates who received the most votes, since none of the candidates received more than 50 percent of the votes cast in the initial election.
“The election and the run-off election went really well this year,” said CVRF Community Service Representative Dayna Nash from Chevak. “We had a variety of candidates interested in serving on the CVRF Board of Directors, which was nice to see. We reached out to residents throughout the day to come and vote and we had a pretty good turnout for both elections. Quyana to all the residents who came out to vote, and quyana to everyone that ran for the seat!”
CVRF’s Board of Directors, made up of one resident from each of CVRF’s 20 member communities, is a democratically elected body. The Board’s primary duty is to set the overall strategy for CVRF’s operations, which the staff carries out. Directors are also responsible for communications between their community and the Board of Directors. They work hard to balance the needs and wants of 20 communities and over 9,300 residents with the demands of operating the largest Alaskan-owned seafood company in history.
“Serving on the CVRF Board of Directors is not easy,” said CVRF Chairman Richard Jung from Napaskiak. “Every Board member must work hard to understand the complexities of our business and make tough decisions based on what is best for all 20 of our communities. We are excited to welcome Alfred to the Board of Directors and glad that he is willing to step up to the challenge for not only the residents of Chevak, but all 9,300 residents in our member communities.”
Alfred Ulroan will be officially sworn in during CVRF’s August board meeting in Anchorage on August 21st.
Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF) is a 501(c)(4) Alaska non-profit corporation with 20 member communities located along the west coast of Alaska, from Scammon Bay to Platinum. It is one of six Community Development Quota (CDQ) groups granted fishing rights in the Bering Sea to foster sustainable and diversified local economies in western Alaska.
CVRF is dedicated to creating sensible, tangible, and long-term economic development opportunities that generate hope for the more than 9,300 residents of its communities. CVRF is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of one member elected from each community. It is the largest Alaskan-owned seafood company in history and the first CDQ group to own and control the vessels that harvest the vast majority of its CDQ allocations.
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