City of Bethel appoints new Police Chief

by Greg Lincoln

The City of Bethel Council confirmed James Harris as the new Chief of Police during their May 14th, 2024 regular meeting. He is scheduled to begin on July 1st, 2024.

The City of Bethel Chief of Police position has been vacant since January of 2024, with recruitment beginning January 2024, said the City in a statement. Nine applications were received, and four candidates were interviewed by a panel that included Administration, a representative from the local District Attorney’s office, a prior Bethel Police Chief, and the Mayor.

Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, the municipal clerk, attorney, treasurer, and police chief are appointed by the chief administrator under Alaska Statute and must be confirmed by the governing body.

“The most qualified candidate for the position is James Harris, bringing over 20 years’ experience in Law Enforcement. He is currently the Chief of Police in Belen, New Mexico, where he has been Chief since 2019. Chief Harris spent five days in Bethel, meeting with City employees, local organization leaders and community stakeholders. He spent numerous hours meeting with Police Department employees from both day and night shifts,” said the City’s Action Memorandum 24-10.

“Chief Harris has expressed the desire to work closely with the community, advocating for town hall meetings. Chief Harris works closely with the Mayor and City Council in his current position. Administration intends to expand Chief Harris’ responsibilities to include administrative oversight of both public safety departments – Police and Fire. While the specifics of the restructure are still in development, the shift will address recruitment concerns, provide experienced leadership to both departments, support career growth in the departments, foster teamwork within our public safety missions, and ultimately, impact the City’s budget in a positive manner.”

As police chief, Harris will be compensated for this full-time position at $140,000 per year. The City of Bethel will provide temporary interim housing and use of a company vehicle from July 1, 2024, for 60 days, with the timeframe re-evaluated based on ability to secure housing and obtain personal transportation.

Chief Harris says that is objective is to “utilize my training and experience in law enforcement administration, serving a progressive Law Enforcement agency in a full-time Chief of Police position.”

According to his resume, he is experienced in conducting and leading criminal investigations and is certified in defense tactics instruction, crime scene reconstruction, special weapons and tactics, narcotics recognition, clandestine lab recognition investigation and dismantling, sex crimes investigations, homicide investigations, and narcotics K-9 handling.

Congratulations to the new chief and welcome to Bethel.