Ballot proposition items adopted
The Bethel City Council voted to adopt both Ordinance 19-15 for the alcohol local option petition and Ordinance 19-16 for the marijuana local option petition. The items passed 5-0. They will be on the local election ballot on October 1st, 2019.
Absent for this vote during the August 13th, 2019 regular city council meeting were Mayor Fred Watson who was on travel on behalf of the City, and Fritz Charles who was expected shortly.
Parks and Rec repeal fails
The introduction of proposed Ordinance 19-17 that would repeal the Parks and Recreation Department failed by lack of a second. The ordinance states that the City of Bethel has not funded the operation of a Parks and Recreation Department since July 1, 2017.
“The organization continues to struggle in creating an annual operating budget that does not represent a budget deficit,” states the ordinance which was introduced by Vice Mayor Thor Williams. “The Council does not foresee a financial opportunity to bring the Parks and Recreation Department back to the City fiscal and operational plan and therefore removes the reference of the department from the Municipal Code.”
New Committee and Commission members appointed
The Finance Committee has new members and alternative members. Gary Fredericks, Marybeth Whalen and Jim Chevigny have been appointed. Fredericks will serve a three year tern as a regular member with a term expiration of December 31st, 2021. Whalen’s term will be three years as an alternative member with a term expiration of December 31st, 2021.
Jim Chevigny has been appointed as an alternate member for the Finance Committee for three years. He is also appointed to the Port Commission as a regular member for three years with a term expiration of December 31, 2021.
Stanley Hoffman Jr. is appointed to the Planning Commission for three years as an alternate member. His term will expire on December 31, 2021.