I love the Christmas season in Alaska.
Every year, our busy family always finds our way home to celebrate together. I am grateful for their love and also for your support as we work to make Alaska a better place every single day.
This holiday is about joy, unity, family and peace. Let’s take this time to count our blessings and be with the ones we love.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and I vow to never stop fighting for you as we enter the new year. The Dunleavys wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Mike, Rose, Maggie, Catherine, Ceil, & Mr. Tito Dunleavy
Anchorage, AK
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays wishes for Alaskans
The holidays are a special opportunity to share traditions and enjoy time with those we hold close. As I take pause to think about the many blessings I have in my own life – my family, friends, and the opportunity to represent the great state of Alaska – I am reminded of all we have collectively to be thankful for. As Alaskans, we get live in a beautiful state, with incredible outdoor opportunities in our back yard. We have a unique home, rich with history and culture. We are surrounded by Alaska’s natural bounty. And we have each other – Alaskan neighbors, showing up for one another during the best and worst of times. That is the true spirit of our great state.
Regardless of how you choose to celebrate the season, I encourage us all to take time to reflect on the good things in our lives. And, as we transition into to the New Year, I hope each of us will commit to being the best neighbors to one another that we possibly can. 2022 will be better and brighter for us all if we do.
From my family to yours – Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
Washington, D.C.
Grand jury indictments
Alaska Natives cannot do a thing about prosecutorial misconduct or juror misconduct, judicial misconduct in Bethel District Court. I tried and they just re-indicted me with more charges. That’s prosecutorial vindictiveness. The grand jury selection needs to be investigated. All of us can be getting indicted by the same grand jury. Who knows? A guy wanted to fire his public defender. They say he can’t. I had 3 public defenders so far and 2 different district attorneys. They got all these loop holes they go through to try and keep us in this system.
I see corruption, conspiracy, even racism against incompetent natives in the YK delta. I see public defenders scare their own clients into taking deals they don’t want to take after talking to the DA. I see the DA doing whatever they want and getting away with it. Giving excessive bail, charges, and deals. Do we complain to the Governor? The president? My case should have been dismissed long ago and I been in 17 months. Unjustice.
Arnold Agwiak, YKCC Inmate
Bethel, AK