The Native Village of Mekoryuk IGAP Department would like to thank everyone for the generous donations and prizes for the 2017 Clean Up Green Up held on May 24-25, 2017. We had a total of 34 participants and 4 group leaders that picked up a total of 171 bags. We would like to thank Donlin Gold, Calista Corporation, AVEC, City of Mekoryuk, NIMA Store, Inc. and NIMA Corporation for the donations. Of course this event wouldn’t be possible without the wonderful and helpful youth of Mekoryuk! We would like to encourage the community of Mekoryuk and other communities within Alaska to continue practicing keeping our beautiful environment clean. Set an example and be an influence on keeping litter off the land and in the waters. Please keep litter with you during any subsistence activities. Let’s keep our land and water clean for future generations!
Quyana. -Native Village of Mekoryuk Tribal Council and Staff