Chevak hosts Greater Yukon Delta Conference XC Regionals

The Kashunamiut Chevak Comets hosted the Greater Yukon Delta Conference Cross Country Regionals this past Saturday with visiting teams coming to race from Emmonak, Hooper Bay, Kotlik, Mountain Village, Pilot Station, Russian Mission, and Scammon Bay.

The top 5 finishers in each race will be headed to the state meet on October 5th at Bartlett High School in Anchorage.

Greater Yukon Delta Conference XC Regionals

September 28, 2024

Girls Results

1 Ariana Tall-Lake 23:56 HPB

2 Erica Aguchak 25:39 HPB

3 Daisymae Tunutmoak 25:45 SCM

4 Laney Green 25:53 VAK

5 Scottie Bukowski 26:00 VAK

6 Jeanine Titus 27:15 SCM

7 Adrianna Amik 27:22 MOU

8 Alexandra Tunutmoak 28:22 SCM

9 Payton Tall 30:46 HPB

SCR Zoey Fancyboy PQS

Boys Results

1 Payton Nanuk 19:18 HPB

2 Laiton Pingayak 19:27 VAK

3 Connor Hootch 20:24 EMK

4 Dante Nukusuk 21:08 HPB

5 Liam Pingayak-Green 21:33 VAK

6 Carson Stephanoff 21:39 RSH

7 Dante Uttereyuk 21:41 SCM

8 Cyril Okitkun 22:16 KOT

9 Deron Ulroan 22:20 VAK

10 Brent George 22:35 SCM

11 Toby Sundown 23:38 SCM

12 Leonard Raymoth 25:07 SCM

13 Antoine Fancyboy 26:23 KOT

14 Ulrick Simon 27:35 HPB

SCR Dallas Kaganak SCM