by the YK Delta Lifesavers
Twenty-eight years ago Nancy Elliott came up with the idea for the Lifesaver Annual Christmas Cookie Extravaganza. The purpose was to raise funds for a swimming pool followed by Phase II – a community gym for Bethel.
This fundraiser as well as all fundraising events by the lifesavers have gone into an Endowment fund housed under the Bethel Community Services Foundation. All these years of generous donations the Endowment Fund is now over $360,000. Every year a percentage of the fund provides over $10,000 in grants supporting YK Fitness Center. As it grows so will the grants.
Pre-covid pandemic Grants from the Endowment Fund has supported free swim classes, open swim programs, free Teen Swim night, the Bethel High school Warrior Swim team, training for BSAR, swim passes for families helping with clean up green up, reading programs and more.
Your support over the years has been amazing and wonderful. Every year we ask our Christmas cookie bakers to donate anywhere from two to six dozen of their favorite holiday cookie. You can be a lifesaver by supporting the cause this year. Bakers can call Bev Hoffman at 545-4499, Kathy Baldwin at 545-1405 or Kathy Hanson at 545-0909.
Cookies can be dropped off all day at the YK Fitness Center Saturday, December 11 and Sunday, December 12 from 11 am to 1pm. Sales of the first 50 boxes will be taken via phone Friday, December 10 from 1-4.
Cookie pick up will happen at the YK Fitness Center Sunday from 2-4pm and Monday from 9am-closing. The remainder of the boxes of cookies will be sold at the fitness center first come first get!
Because of continued covid concerns the cookie sale will be pre-made two pound boxes of a variety of homemade Christmas Cookies for a $25 minimum donation.
Join the fun in 2021, support the cause, call a lifesaver today. To learn more about the endowment fund go to bcsfoundation.org and hit the lifesaver link and check out information on the Lifesavers at ykdeltalifesavers.org