Calista (cha-LIS-tah) Corporation announces the date for the 2022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The meeting will be held June 3, 2022. A majority of shares, known as a quorum, must be cast for the meeting to be valid. Proxy voting will end on May 31 at 5 PM Alaska time.
“The voting power is entirely with Calista Shareholders,” says Robert Beans, Calista Corp. Board Chair. “Candidates for the Board are elected only by Shareholders.”
The location of the meeting is pending. A final decision will be made in April. An in-person meeting is preferred, although the pandemic is a direct factor.
Proxy voting materials are expected to be mailed on or before May 4 to allow several weeks for proxy voting. Shareholders who opted for electronic delivery will instead receive an email the same day materials are mailed. Voting, including online voting at, begins the same day that materials are sent out.
A key benefit to the June meeting date is that it is easier for Shareholders busy with subsistence fishing to participate in the meeting. Holding the meeting in early June is a return to the historic timeframe for Annual Meetings.
Opting for electronic delivery of annual meeting materials allows for instant access to materials and voting. Over one ton of paper has been saved by Shareholders choosing this method. Opting in is free and can be completed at
All available information is at