by Calista Corporation Staff
Calista (cha-LIS-tuh) Corporation announces the winners of the 2019 Calista Stock Will Contest. Two Shareholders won $1,000 each. Eligible Calista Shareholders are those with Class A or Class B shares and are at least 18 years of age.
The contest winners are as follows: Michael Mojin (Shareholder from Nunapitchuk) and Jennifer Andrew (Shareholder with Bethel ties).
Nearly 7,000 entries qualified for the contest by having a valid Calista Corporation stock will on file. All properly completed Calista Stock Will Forms physically received by Calista by 5 p.m. on December 6, 2019, were entered into the drawing. Any Calista Shareholder that had a previously completed a Stock Will Form were also eligible.
Stock Will Forms can be downloaded from Calista’s corporate website Common Forms page, and available directly from Shareholder Services. Calista Shareholder Services can be reached at 1-800-277-5516 toll-free, 907-275-2801, or [email protected]. Valid Stock Will Forms must be signed and dated in front of a Notary or Postmaster, signed and dated by two witnesses who are not beneficiaries, and certified by the Notary or Postmaster.
Calista’s Class A and Class B shares can be inherited or gifted. Class C and D shares are life-estate only, which means they expire when the Shareholder passes.