by Calista Corporation Staff
ight Calista (cha-LIS-tah) Corporation Shareholders are winners in the first round of Early Bird proxy prizes for the 46th Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
About 6,000 Shareholders who cast their proxy votes online by 5pm on June 5, qualified for the 2020 Online Early Bird prizes. The following Shareholders were randomly selected by Sramek Hightower, the certified public accounting firm in Anchorage that serves as the Inspector of Elections:
·$10,000 Prize – Bobby C. Petluska (Eek)
·$2,500 Prize – David J. Broughton (Ronan, MT)
·$1,000 Prize – Alecia M. Claunch (Anchor Point), Eliza P. Meier (Crawfordville, FL), Karen K. Don (Palmer), Kendra A. Komakhuk (Anchorage), Kevin C. Cleveland (Anchorage), Margaret N. Ayapan (Bethel)
More than 1 in 4 Shareholders eligible to vote cast their vote before the first proxy prize deadline. So far, about half of all Elders have voted online and more than 6 in 10 voters have finished in less than 3 minutes. Shareholders who voted online by the June 5 deadline also automatically qualified for all remaining rounds of prizes.
The deadline for the next round of prizes—the Regular Early Bird drawings—is 5pm on June 15. All valid paper and online proxies received by this deadline qualify. There are nine prizes totaling $27,500. The deadline for the final round of proxy prizes is 5pm on June 29.
“Each eligible Calista Shareholder voter was sent proxy voting information on May 22. Look for a regular-sized envelope with a blue paper proxy voting form. The back of the form includes the Shareholder’s name, address and PIN,” said Thom Aparuk Leonard, director of communications and Shareholder Services. “The PIN allows Shareholders to vote online at www.CalistaVote.com. It will also allow Shareholders to view the Annual Meeting.”
The Calista Annual Meeting scheduled for July 3, 2020, has changed from an in-person to a virtual Annual Meeting, due to COVID-19. Proxy voting will continue as normal this year, except ballots cannot be cast “in-person” during the meeting. Shareholders are encouraged to save their individual PIN to view the virtual meeting. The meeting will start at 1pm.
Proxy prizes are only awarded if enough Shareholders vote and quorum is reached. This makes the Annual Meeting valid. Updates and details are posted at www.CalistaCorp.com/AnnualMeeting.