Aerial bird breeding surveys for waterfowl and other birds conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Migratory Bird Management will be taking place approximately May 24 – June 5th.
The surveys will be from south of Kipnuk to Pastol Bay in mostly the coastal areas. Surveys will be low-level at times and care will be taken to minimize disturbance to birds and hunters.
The Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta supports one of the largest aggregations of waterbirds in the world, including over one million ducks, half a million geese, and over 200,000 other waterbirds (loons, cranes, and grebes).
An intensive aerial survey was initiated in 1985 to monitor populations of geese nesting in the coastal zone of the YKD whose populations had shown substantial declines. Goose populations have rebounded from their lows in the 1980’s as documented by this survey. However, the annual population indices, trends, and distribution data for geese, swans, and cranes continue to provide important data for the management of these species. These data are used by the Pacific Flyway Council, Alaska Migratory Bird Co-management Council, and other managers interested in the long-term health of water populations.