by Peter Twitchell
Back in 2013 my daughter Suzi celebrated her 15th birthday. I remember back when I was 15. I told Suzi after my 15th birthday four months later I lost my Dad and that I wanted to tell her a few things.
First, Creator God Jesus Christ of Nazareth has been my good friend for a long time. I trust Him, I pray to Him, and like my Mom told me I expect miracles. I expect Creator God to answer my prayers.
I want you to put your faith in God Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank Him every day for your life. Thank Him for His blessings of food, friends, and good life that you have that all comes from Him.
Thank you for always listening to me, just like your sister Saranne and your brothers David and Danny. Like you I talk to them since they were born. I try to be their best friend like I am your best friend. I will never hurt you.
Choose your friends who want the best for you, not the people who hurt you, not the people who put you down. Choose your friends, the people who lift you up and who want the best for you. They are your true friends.
My daughter’s 15th birthday was starting soon and she sat right across from me at the table listening to me like my children listen to me when I talk to them because they know I love them and I want to help them and give them the best life possible.
I told my daughter I’m going to tell you some things that are important in your life and will be important in your life. First listen to your parents, they are good friends who want to help you, to raise you to be a good person.
So I’m going to tell you somethings that will help you in your life, all your life. Don’t ever forget what I tell you today. It is important to me and I feel I have to tell you so you know.
A good life just doesn’t happen. You have to work at it every day. It’s like working at your job, working hard to do a good job, the best job that you can because somebody is depending on you.
I’m going to share with you only what I know and what has helped me; I’ve worked for 63 years now, sometimes 2/3 jobs. My regular job, janitorial in the evening, driving a cab on the weekend or any kind of job that keeps me busy.
Love and honor God thanking Him each morning for a new day and for all His blessings of food, work, school and good friends. Your good friends want the best for you. They will help raise you up. They’ll never put you down, they will never hurt you or hit you. Your friends who really care about you and love you will not give you alcohol or drugs. And they will forgive you if you make a mistake because they really care about you.
Search your friends carefully, make sure you have friends who care, are strong, honest, loving and they’re there for you when you need them. You need friends who are safe like strong thick ice. Fairweather friends are like thin and dangerous ice and cold water that can pull you down under the thin ice.
Your friends are strong happy, healthy and they only want the best for you, the best of life. Trust Creator God to help you find these true friends who really want to be your friend. And never forget God and his angels will watch over you.
Trust and obey God, He created you in His image, He breathed life into you and gave you life. He lives in your heart, is always in your heart. He will hear your prayer, He will answer your prayer. God will never leave you, He will always protect you and He will send His angels to help you if you ask Him. Give God all the glory. He likes that! And if you don’t have a friend He will always be your friend and He will never let you down.
And like my Mom always told me, thank God every day for your life and when you pray to Him expect a miracle. He will answer your prayer. You will thank Him when you become an Elder because I know He will bless you with many more happy and healthy birthdays!