Bipartisan support on a bill that will increase food donations and reduce food waste has passed the Senate and moves closer to becoming law. Representative Dave Talerico (R- Healy) sponsored the bill after seeing good food being thrown in the trash at a local grocery store due to policies based in liability concerns.
“When I saw the amount of good food being thrown in the trash that could be going onto the plates of hungry Alaskans, I recognized the need to provide clarification to businesses,” said Rep. Talerico. “I don’t want businesses burdened with possible liabilities. HB 186 also draws attention and resources to the incredible food banks serving Alaskans.”
HB 186 allows grocery stores, hotels, restaurants and more to donate excess or out dated food to food banks or charitable organizations without liability. Currently some of these entities do not donate these useable foods due to fear of being sued. Removing that concern will allow for increased food donations and less food ending up in the trash and worse, landfills.
“As a former director of a domestic violence Shelter I can see the importance of this bill and how it will help feed those who have food insecurity,” said Sen. Wilson.
In Alaska, there’s about 15% of people who are considered food insecure. Reducing that percentage is a major goal of this bill.
HB186 passed the Senate floor unanimously in a 18-0 vote on Wednesday, January 24, 2018.