by Peter Twitchell
I wanted to recognize 32 year Bethel, Alaska resident Craig Rogers. A man, in my opinion, who has served the people of Bethel beyond the call of duty. He, for example, was out at the Ridgecrest Cemetery late into the night drilling holes into the frozen ground so that we could use jackhammers to complete digging six feet into and through the permafrost so we could have burials in the middle of frigidly cold winters before global warming.
Thanks is such a trivial word sometimes misused when we could not complete this laborious task to bury our loved ones and not having to wait till spring to do so.
The freeze in winter months is why we buried our ancestors, parents, and grandparents above the ground generations ago, not to mention our brothers and sisters.
So, thank you, Craig, for your part in making our lives in Bethel easier, healthier, happier, even during our grieving times – we will never forget you. You have done good, and much appreciated although we may not always show it.
We are forever grateful for a “job well done”. Your presence at the Bethel Fire Department during our annual BFD Cookout and Sale has raised funds for the Bethel Fire Station, and helped the Bethel community to sell their excess baggage. Thanks for being a big part of the community all these years!
It’s uplifting when someone comes along and gives more than they’re paid to do. Quyanaqvaa, Captain Craig Rogers, piuraa.