by KRITFC and ONC Natural Resources
Last weekend, ONC Natural Resources Department and the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission along with 40 volunteers helped clean up 92 bags of trash and recyclables in Bethel. Thanks to everyone’s hard work at Pinky’s Park, along the highway, at the boat harbor, and elsewhere around town, our community looks more prepared for the first snow.
ONC and KRITFC would like to give a special quyana to:
•YK Delta Lifesavers, especially Beverly Hoffman, for donating passes to the YK Fitness Center/pool as raffle prizes.
•Vitus Energy for donating gas cards as raffle prizes.
•City of Bethel for donating ALPAR bags.
•All of our volunteers for braving the cold, wind, and even a hailstorm to get our community ready for winter!
Raffle winners will be announced on our Facebook pages: @KuskoSalmon and @ONCNaturalResources.
You can stay involved with waste and litter reduction in Bethel all year, even throughout the winter:
•Collect all aluminum cans and clean #1 plastic bottles (with necks) for recycling. Call ONC Natural Resources Department for pickup at (907) 543-2608.
•Contact ONC Natural Resources Department for more information about our youth ALPAR Litter Patrol program at (907) 543-2608.
•Keep an eye out for Bethel Clean Up Green Up in spring 2022!