Bethel student named to the Spring 2024 Dean’s List

Ryan Smith, of Bethel, AK, was named to Fort Lewis College’s Dean’s List for Spring 2024 semester. Smith’s major is Business Economics.

To be eligible for Dean’s List, a student must carry a semester GPA of 3.6 or better in no fewer than 15 credit hours of graded college-level work and have completed all work for which they are registered by the end of the semester.

Fort Lewis College is the Southwest’s leading undergraduate institution with its low student-to-faculty ratio and one-on-one, affordable instruction. The experience students gain here is responsive to industry demand and the ever-shifting landscape of higher education. FLC is also one of the country’s most diverse campuses, with over half of its students identifying as people of color. With more than 55 majors to choose from, students become industry professionals, community leaders, and cutting-edge academics.