• The department will be conducting a Firefighter-1 course in Spring 2023. If interested in attending this training to become a Volunteer Firefighter, please call the fire station.
• Chief Solesbee attended the 2023 Alaska Fire Chiefs Association Leadership Summit in Juneau from February 5-11. During the conference, the AFCA membership attended several training classes and organizational meetings. Additionally, there were several bills discussed with State of Alaska legislators which will affect the fire service statewide.
• The department received partial funding for a new fire training facility from the City of Bethel Capital Budget and will seek the remainder through a General Fund budget request. This facility will be constructed by Draeger and will feature live-burn chambers, forcible entry doors/windows, reconfigurable walls for victim searches, vertical ventilation props, fire department connection, standpipes, stairs, and rope rescue anchors for technical rescues. Donation letters have been submitted to local organizations and businesses, but no responses have been received.
• The department participated in a Table-Top Exercise (TTX) using the recently updated City of Bethel Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The EOP provides a framework for the preparation, response, and recovery phases of various types of emergencies and/or disasters the City of Bethel could encounter.
• New staff and volunteers are receiving continuous Driver/Operator training on the handling characteristics, operation of specialty equipment, care, maintenance, and safety of the department’s ambulances and fire apparatus.
• Staff have completed several online, classroom, and skill drill training covering various topics of firefighting, emergency medical, fire inspection, and fire prevention.
• Staff have conducted several drills on firefighting and EMS knowledge and skills during each shift.
• Staff completed online sexual harassment training.
• Staff have instructed AHA Basic Life Support Provider courses for the new volunteer EMT recruits and for members of the public.
• The EMT-1 course concluded on February 10. There are currently six recruits. These recruits will soon take their cognitive examination and complete their skills verification portfolios. Once the exam is passed and all skills are verified by an instructor, they will be eligible to apply for their State of Alaska EMT-1 Initial (2019 Update) certifications.
• The department scheduled its State of Alaska EMT-2 and EMT-3 initial courses to be held at the fire station in April and June.