• On 6-25-21 at 22:17 P.M., medics responded to the report of a person with a broken foot. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-26-21 at 8:20 A.M., medics responded to the report of a person that has nausea. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-27-21 at 11:12 P.M., medics responded to the report of a person that is bleeding from the mouth. Patient was assessed and signed refusal.
• On 6-28-21 at 8:38 p.m. medics responded to the report of an allergic reaction. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 6-28-21 at 9:04 p.m. medics responded to a report of abdominal pain. The patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 6-29-21 at 12:22 a.m. medics responded to the report of an unconscious person. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 6-29-21 at 9:09 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person that fell and is in pain. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 6-30-21 at 2:26 a.m. medics responded to the report of an intoxicated person not able to walk.
• 6-30-21 at 8:06 a.m. medics responded to the report of a person unknown if breathing and looks blue. Pt assessed and scene turned over to BPD.
• 6-30-21 at 12:13 p.m. medics responded to the report of a possible overdose with CPR in progress. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 6-30-21 at 1:01 p.m. medics responded to the report of a BAC that is too high. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 6-30-31 at 8:47 p.m. medics responded to the report of alcohol withdraws and anxiety. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.