• Between 07/01/2022 and 07/31/2022, the Bethel Fire Department responded to 113 EMS and 15 Fire incidents.
• On 07/01/22 at 9:55 p.m., firefighters responded to Ptarmigan Road for the report of a possible fire. Upon arrival, firefighters found the remains of burned food in a microwave. The fire cause was determined to be unintentional.
• On 07/02/22 at 6:36 a.m., firefighters responded to BIA Road for the report of a trash fire. Upon arrival, firefighters found a backpack burning on the roadway. The fire was extinguished, and the caused was determined to be intentional.
• On 07/06/22 at 3:39 p.m., medics responded to a report of a person experiencing chest pain. The patient was assessed, treated, and transported to the hospital.
• On 07/06/22 at 4:23 p.m., medics responded to a report of a person who was possibly experiencing a stroke. The patient was assessed, treated, and transported to the hospital.
• On 07/07/22 at 10:15 p.m., medics responded to the report of a death. Medics confirmed death and left the scene in custody of the Bethel Police Department for an investigation.
• The department is continually recruiting for new volunteer responders and administrative support. If anyone is interested, please fill out a BFD Volunteer Application Packet today!
• The department will be conducting CPR classes and an EMT-1 (2019 Update) course this fall. If interested in attending this training, please call the fire station.
• The department is entered into a memorandum of agreement with the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation to provide EMS transports of intoxicated persons (non-medical) to the YKHC Sobering Center. This will free up valuable resources for the YKDRH Emergency Department.
• The Fire Chief traveled to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. in Appleton, WI to conduct the pre-build design and engineering for the department’s new fire engine.
• The department has assisted several homeowners with the installation, testing, and provided free batteries for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
• The department received partial funding for a new fire training facility from the City of Bethel Capital Budget and will seek the remaining funds from grants and donations. This facility will be constructed by Draeger and will feature live-burn chambers, forcible entry doors/windows, reconfigurable walls for victim searches, vertical ventilation props, fire department connection, standpipes, stairs, and rope rescue anchors for technical rescues.