• On 01/07/2022 at 8:36 p.m., firefighters responded to Akiak Street for the report of a chimney fire. Upon arrival, firefighters observed smoke and extinguished the fire.
• On 01/07/2022 at 3:11 p.m., medics responded to a report of a person who fell and was bleeding. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 01/07/2022 at 7:46 p.m., medics responded to a report of a motor vehicle versus pedestrian collision. The patient was assessed, and critical advanced life support procedures were performed. The patient was transported to the hospital, where they later died.
• On 01/17/2022 at 5:22 p.m., medics responded to a report of a person who was struck by a vehicle while driving a snowmobile. The patient was assessed and found to have significant injuries. The patient was transported to the hospital, was flown to Anchorage via medevac, where they made a full recovery.
• On 01/19/2022 at 2:12 p.m., medics responded to a report of a person found not breathing. Medics arrived and found signs of obvious death and cold exposure. Medics turned the scene over to the Bethel Police Department for a death investigation.
• On 1-19-22 at 03:23:00 EMS responded to a report of a female who thought she was having a heart attack.
• On 1-19-22 at 08:09:00 EMS responded to a report of a male who was feeling pain in his leg.
• On 1-20-22 at 19:50:00 EMS responded to a report of a male who was having a severe stomachache.
• On 1-20-22 at 22:55:00 EMS responded to a report of a female complaining of a possible assault.
• On 1-20-22 at 10:55 P.M., Medics responded to the report of a person that has anxiety.
• On 1-21-22 at 13:43 EMS responded to the report of a possible intoxicated juvenile.
• On 1-21-22 at 13:43 EMS responded to the report of an intoxicated person.
• On 1-21-22 at 20:32:00 EMS responded to a report of a male who was having respiratory distress.
• On 01/27/2022 at 3:48 p.m., medics responded to the report of a person who was found not breathing. Upon arrival, the patient was assessed and found to have signs of obvious death. Medics turned the scene over to the Bethel Police Department for a death investigation.