• On 11-27-22 at 6:26 p.m. medics responded to the report of an intoxicated person. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 11-28-22 at 1:44 a.m. medics responded to the report of a person that overdosed. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 11-28-22 at 4:28 a.m. medics responded to the report of a person not acting right. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 11-29-22 at 10:54 a.m. medics responded to the report of a person being weak. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 11-29-22 at 9:21 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person intoxicated. Patient assessed and refused care.
• On 12-01-22 at 3:45 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person needing help getting into their house. Medics lifted the patient into their house.
• On 12-01-22 at 6:17 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person with difficulty breathing. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• The department conducted classes during Alaska’s Fire Prevention Month in October. There were in-person fire safety classes and tours at the fire station. Staff and volunteers were happy to see students this year!
• Staff set up fire prevention tables at the local grocery stores and Saturday Market to assist several homeowners with the installation, testing, and provided free batteries for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. During this time, staff and volunteers provided fire prevention materials to community members. Several people applied to become volunteers and signed up for upcoming EMS and Firefighter training courses.
• The department received partial funding for a new fire training facility from the City of Bethel Capital Budget and will seek the remaining funds from grants and donations. This facility will be constructed by Draeger and will feature live-burn chambers, forcible entry doors/windows, reconfigurable walls for victim searches, vertical ventilation props, fire department connection, standpipes, stairs, and rope rescue anchors for technical rescues. Donation letters have been submitted to local organizations and businesses, and the department is applying for federal and state grants.
• The department is planning on participating in a mass evacuation drill with YKHC in December.
• Staff are completing online training to become certified as State of Alaska Fire Investigator Technicians (AKFIT).