• On 04-02-18 at 1:21 a.m. medics responded to Tundra Suites for the report of a person with chest pain. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-02-18 at 7:06 a.m. medics responded to the area of Sixth Avenue for the report of a person experiencing difficulty breathing. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-02-18 at 5:34 p.m. medics responded to the Sobering Center for the report of a person experiencing a seizure. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-02-18 at 7:40 p.m. medics responded to Swanson’s Store for the report of a person experiencing chest pain. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-02-18 at 8:04 p.m. medics responded to the Sobering Center for the report of a person experiencing anxiety. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-03-18 at 3:29 p.m. medics responded to the area of Ptarmigan Road for the report of a person who was unable to stand. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-04-18 at 3:16 a.m. medics responded to the Sobering Center for the report of a person with chest pain. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-03-18 at 6:15 p.m. medics responded to Akakeek Street for the report of an intoxicated person who was unresponsive. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-03-18 7:24 p.m. medics responded to BNC Complex for the report of an intoxicated person who was unable to stand. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-04-18 at 10:41 a.m. medics responded to River Street for the report of a person experiencing chest pain. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-04-18 at 11:18 p.m. medics responded to Front Street for the report of a person who was assaulted. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-05-18 at 12:07 p.m. medics responded to Hoffman Subdivision for the report of a person experiencing a heart problem. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 04-05-18 at 4:43 p.m. medics responded to the area of Atsaq Road for the report of a person threatening self-harm. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital by BPD Officers.