• The department is continually recruiting for new volunteer responders and administrative support. If anyone is interested, please fill out a BFD Volunteer Application Packet today!
• There will be an emergency preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (FSE) in May 2022.
• The department has been asked by the YKHC Emergency Management Coordinator for assistance in creating a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for Bethel. CERT responds to assist emergency responders in the event of natural disasters and other emergencies.
• On 04/07/2022, staff participated in the Yuut Elitnaurviut Youth Public Safety Intensive Camp by instructing the Introduction to Firefighting course. During the class, youth from around the Y-K Delta received instruction on career and volunteer employment and training opportunities, a tour of the fire station, personal protective equipment (turnout gear and SCBA) donning and doffing, fire victim search and rescue, and extrication equipment. This camp is vital to ensuring community involvement and increasing opportunities in public safety by local youth.
• From 04/21 – 04/23/2022, the U.S. Coast Guard conducted Ice Rescue training. Training topics included responder/rescuer safety and PPE, assessing ice and water conditions, approaching victims (conscious and unconscious), deploying ice rescue equipment (MARSARS), and survival.
• The Bethel Fire Department’s State of Alaska EMT-1 (2019 Scope of Practice) Initial course started on March 21, 2022, and will conclude with certification testing on June 10-11, 2022.
• Staff are completing online training to become certified as State of Alaska Fire Investigator Technicians (AKFIT).
• New staff are receiving continuous Driver/Operator training on the handling characteristics, operation of specialty equipment, care, maintenance, and safety of the department’s ambulances and fire apparatus.
• On 04/05/2022 at 7:00 p.m., an EMT Meeting was held at the fire station. Responders reviewed procedures and conducted skill drills for placing CPAP, 12-lead EKG placement, and patient assessments.
• On 04/08/2022 at 11:00 a.m., a Staff Meeting was held at the fire station.
• Between 04/01/2022 and 04/30/2022, the Bethel Fire Department responded to
112 EMS and 13 Fire incidents.