June 14
• 6/1/24 at 10:38 M-5 responded to a report of traumatic injury.
• 6/1/24 at 16:40 M-5 responded to a report of cardiac dysrhythmia.
• 6/2/24 at 01:03 M-5 responded to a report of a person in pain.
• 6/2/24 at 02:20 M-5 responded to an intoxicated individual.
• 6/2/24 at 16:04 M-5 responded to a report of a plane crash.
• 6/2/24 at 18:49 M-5 responded to a report of an assault.
• 6/3/24 at 15:33 M-5 responded to a report of a person in hypertension.
• 6/3/24 at 22:13 M-5 responded to a report of an intoxicated individual.
• On 6-4-24 at 3:05 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person with anxiety. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-4-24 at 4:35 p.m. medics responded to the report of an intoxicated person not able to walk. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-4-24 at 5:05 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person in seizure. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-4-24 at 8:04 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person that fell and cannot get up. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-5-24 at 7:34 medics responded to the report of 2 people needing medics. One patient went with officers and the other refused services.
• On 6-6-24 at 2:03 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person that their heart hurt. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-6-24 at 5:43 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person with difficulty breathing. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-6-24 at 8 p.m. medics responded to the report of an intoxicated person not able to walk. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 6-6-24 at 8 :41 p.m. medics responded to the report of a person with a fast heart rate. Patient assessed and transported to the hospital.