March 2023
• The department is operating within its FY2023 budget, except for the line items for FLSA Overtime and Heating Fuel. The department has submitted a budget modification request to replenish the FLSA Overtime fund, which was depleted due to low staffing levels and personnel working overtime shifts to meet the community’s Fire and EMS response needs. With the hiring of new personnel and recent implementation of administrative budgetary control measures, this fund should last for the remainder of the fiscal year. The department will utilize a Line-Item Transfer to move funds into the Heating Fuel fund.
• The department is expecting the FY2021 audit to be completed soon for its continued participation in the State of Alaska’s Supplement Emergency Medical Transport (SEMT) Program. Unfortunately, the audit results will be received after the cost report submission deadline, and the State of Alaska SEMT Program will not grant any further extensions, thus putting our department’s continued participation in the program at risk in the future. The Alaska Fire Chiefs Association membership will be addressing this concern, as it negatively affects fire and EMS departments around Alaska.
• The department purchased a new Class-A Pumper Tender Apparatus (Fire Engine) from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. under a cooperative bid purchasing contract from Sourcewell-MN and by utilizing a portion of the Fire Department’s Fleet Replacement Fund. This pumper will replace the 1986 Grumman-Spartan Super Pumper-Tanker, Engine 3. The new pumper is currently in production and is slated for completion mid-June. This apparatus is to be shipped to Bethel via barge this summer.
• The department will continue to seek grant funding for fire and EMS equipment, additional staffing, replacement fire apparatus and ambulances, and other equipment.
• The department received the 2021 State of Alaska Homeland Security SHSP grant award for the purchase of new portable and mobile radios to replace obsolete equipment. This equipment was purchased from Motorola Solutions, Inc. through Sourcewell Contract #042021-MOT.
• The department and City Grant Manager prepared an application for the 2022 State of Alaska Homeland Security SHSP Grant for security fencing, cameras, and lighting for the planned fire training tower which will be located adjacent to the fire station.
• A “Code and Condition Survey” was completed by a structural engineer at the fire station in December. The department, City Manager, Property Maintenance, and DOWL are to perform foundation repairs and retrofits this summer.
• The department is working together with DOWL and Draeger to do the site preparation tasks for the upcoming fire training tower and its foundation. Current items on the fire station’s property will be relocated or disposed of according to Bethel Municipal Code.
• The fire station’s front office and classroom needs to be updated and remodeled, as the original (circa 1980) cabinets, shelving, and counter tops are in poor condition. The department will explore options and possibly create an RFP for this project.