TO: Bethel and Yukon-Kuskokwim Community Members
FROM: Deborah L. White, Executive Director
Members of the Board of Directors
DATE: May 10, 2019
RE: IT Changes
Greetings All,
Bethel Family Clinic is announcing the change to our domain name. The new domain is We are transitioning to the new domain and constructing the new website. We anticipate the timeframe for the website to be up and running within 2 weeks. Our Face Book page is still available.
We will be posting updates through the Delta Discovery notifying the community of our status.
We are open and providing medical, dental and behavioral health services.
Our contact numbers remain the same:
To schedule medical or behavioral health appointments please call 907-543-3773.
To schedule dental appointments please call 907-545-3996.
To find out what job postings we have you can check Face Book or call the offices and speak
with Mary at 907-543-9854.
Thank you for your patience.