by Delta Discovery Staff
During a special meeting on October 14th, 2019, the Bethel City Council elected council member Perry Barr to serve as Mayor. For Vice Mayor, council chose newly-elected Haley Hanson.
Oaths were administered and new council members Cece Franko, Hanson, Alyssa Leary, and Mark Springer were sworn into office during the October 8th regular city council meeting.
The municipal elections were held on October 1st, 2019.
Following the election for Mayor and Vice Mayor, council members were appointed to be representatives on the City’s committees and commissions.
Mayor Barr made the following appointments: Hanson to the Planning Commission and to the Yuut Elitnaurviat Committee, Franko to the Finance Committee and also the Kuimarvik Board Representative, Springer to the Public Safety and Transportation Commission and the AVCP Museum Advisory Committee, Fred Watson to the Port Commission, Leary to the Public Works Committee and the Senior Advisory Committee, and Mayor Barr was appointed to the Community Action Grant Technical Review Committee.
No appointments were made to the Parks, Recreation, Aquatic Health and Safety Committee.
Also during the Special Meeting, council unanimously approved Action Memorandum 19-67 supporting council member Fred Watson’s declaration of candidacy for the Alaska Municipal League (AML) Board of Directors and if elected to commit financial support for participation.