by Greg Lincoln
The City of Bethel Municipal Election will take place on October 1st, 2024. The Bethel City Council has four open seats: three 2-year term seats and one 1-year term seat. Three seats have terms ending October 2026 and one seat has a term ending 2025.
The following five candidates have been certified for the October 1, 2024 Municipal Election: Pamela Conrad, WG Anaruk, Alicia Miner, Rose “Sugar” Henderson, and Danny Suiter.
The polling locations for precincts 1 and 2 will be at the Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center from 8am-8pm on election day, October 1st. Below is information about the candidates for this election.
Name: WG Anaruk
How long have you been a Bethel resident and where are you originally from?
I was originally born in Anchorage – however, I had grown and graduated high school here in Bethel. I have lived here for a total of 19 years.
What are the main reasons that you are running for Bethel City Council?
One of the main reasons I am running for the Bethel City Council would go concurrent with the same reason as to why I choose to live here – which is the fact that I personally consider Bethel as one of my biggest assets. Bethel is home and I genuinely care for our city. I have seen more than a few (both positive and negative) damages and changes that could be brought to discussion and possibly resolved with future developed strategic plans with the City Council.
Every year the Bethel City Council decides on what their priorities are, what are the top 3 priorities that you would advocate for?
The top 3 priorities I would consider urgent, are the following:
(1) Drug and Alcohol Trafficking, Bethel is one of the main points of departure for most-to-all alcohol and drugs brought into surrounding communities.
(2) Bethel’s Housing Crisis, Our local community and economy is growing at a tremendous rate & we need to take various forms of action to participate in resolving this hot topic.
(3) Bethel’s Infrastructure, We definitely need to provide annual road maintenance and add more street/stop signs throughout various locations in the city. An extension of the boardwalk would be outstanding, especially if the budget has any wiggle room to expand it to Blueberry Subdivision and Tundra Ridge.
Folks would like to know more about you and what you like to do. What are your hobbies and interests?
My name is WG Anaruk, I am a highly ambitious entrepreneur & investor. I currently serve as the President of Frostbite Investments – which is a parent company to two subsidiaries (with one subsidiary opening their doors here in Bethel soon). When I have the time and energy to decompress, I typically try to enjoy my time and thoughts on a long walk, spend some time re-learning old skills at the skatepark or give my time and attention to my daughters and partner at home.
Thank you and Kind Regards!
Name: Alicia Miner
How long have you been a Bethel resident and where are you originally from?
This is my 6th year in Bethel but I have also lived in 3 villages (Quinhagak, Napakiak, and Kasigluk) for a total of 15 years in the area. I’m originally from Ohio.
What are the main reasons that you are running for Bethel City Council?
I’m running for City Council because I am passionate about the work done in this city. I want to work with a team to help make improvements here in Bethel. I have a leadership role already here in Bethel and would like to use my skills in a different way. Bethel is a place I call home and I am interested in contributing in a positive way. I grew up in a tough environment and want to be a positive role model for our Bethel Youth and show them anything is possible.
Every year the Bethel City Council decides on what their priorities are, what are the top 3 priorities that you would advocate for?
Mental health is an area that is passionate of mine and I believe is an area of need here in Bethel. Not only for our youth, but also for adults and community members. Along with mental health would be more activities for Youth and support for those in need such as the homeless population.
Housing is always an area of need. Significant work has been done on that and I believe we should continue the work.
There has been good work started with the Bethel Police Department and Fire Department. I would like to see that work continue to improve the safety here in Bethel. The traffic stops and addition of Zeus have been positive and I hope we can continue to do this work but also expand in this area to improve safety and decrease drugs in the area.
Folks would like to know more about you and what you like to do. What are your hobbies and interests?
In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and 2 children (Quinn and Cole). I enjoy spending time at home with them but also taking them to community events here in Bethel. I enjoy traveling and have a few trips planned this year. I also enjoy spending time with my friends. I used to be into running and am hoping to pick that up again!
The following were compiled from the City Council Candidates Forum that took place on September 11th, 2024.
Name: Pamela Conrad
Pamela Conrad has lived in Bethel for the last 30 years. She says that the biggest issue for Bethel is retaining employees. housing, daycare, and encouraging people to stay, which will help with the economy.
She would like to see day care, a chronic issue since she moved here in 93’, and partnerships with other entities in the City as we are all vested to make a Bethel a better place to live.
Conrad says that you judge a country by how they treat their animals and she supports the new facility for BFK9s and as a founding member of BFK9s, she wants to help them as much as possible.
She says that she would like to see more staff for matters such as sexual assaults and the MMIW in Bethel and beefing up the departments to provide more funding against crime and drugs. The lack of crimes being prosecuted especially the sexual assaults is a pressing matter as is the influx of drugs in the community. She supports more law enforcement and coming up with more effective ways to make our community safe.
Conrad supports an open approach to working with employees. She is hoping to help find those unique persons who love a challenge in their job and career by coming and working in Bethel.
She would like to see something done about the bootlegging in Bethel. As for the villages, she would support enforcing alcohol laws in some way by working with the villages to see their side of the issue.
Conrad is in support of recycling and backhauling. She would like to look into enforcing laws such as the one for styrofoam take out containers, which are toxic.
People need to start paying their taxes and she supports enforcing tax collection.
As for conflict, she lets whoever speak and she will try to help fix the problem with mutual cooperation.
For amenities in Bethel, she would like to see volleyball and softball leagues and soccer for kids and little league. She supports technological ways to access how people feel and for their customer comments or complaints.
Name: Rose “Sugar” Henderson
Sugar Henderson is a lifelong resident of Bethel. Housing in Bethel is a big issue for her. The other issue is the amount of drugs coming into town. Staying within the city budget is also a challenge and she pushes to do that.
Henderson is in support of collecting more sales tax and maintains that people should be honest and pay their taxes like they should.
She would love to raise salaries across the board and getting everyone on piped water services to relieve the constant need for delivery drivers.
Henderson supports recruiting homegrown employees and would love to have community members apply for positions in the city.
She does not agree with the alcohol system as it sits now since there are no benefits for anyone to have alcohol.
The increase in prices in everything is concerning, the price gouging. She is in support of recycling and keeping more items out of the landfill. Henderson is concerned that plastic bags from grocery stores are still causing problems. Currently the council is working on updating the code to enforce the plastic bags and the restaurant styrofoam containers that end up on the tundra.
As for loose dogs, she supports bringing them in and educating the people and conditioning them regarding owning dogs. For conflict, she believes that showing respect goes a long way.
For city amenities, she supports a game room/ice cream parlor for the youth.
She is open to phone calls from citizens and will bring their concerns to council. She can also talk to folks in person.
Name: Danny Suiter
Danny Suiter has lived in Bethel for the past 7 years. He agrees that housing is a problem for Bethel and that recruiting people and outsourcing for jobs is difficult. He maintains that housing is the main thing that is affecting Bethel. Drug use and mental health are also big problems.
His top priorities include: city government keeping the doors open and staying on budget and the housing issue.
Suiter supports more community involvement. He would like to see improving the water system by eliminating water sewer delivery and going to piped systems. He is concerned for the roads and protecting Bethel from flooding in the future.
Suiter says that he is okay with how alcohol is managed now in Bethel. He would like to address and enforce the bootlegging issue. He does not support an alcohol package store in Bethel, with regards to the villages as Bethel is the hub. He supports increasing the taxes on alcohol and marijuana.
He is in support of recycling materials and using wind power and tidal power. As for plastic bags, the code needs to be enforced. He supports people paying their taxes.
Before coming to Bethel, he was warned to stay away from dogs in Bethel. He supports BFK9s and the work that they do.
As for conflict, Danny says that negotiation, openmindedness and listening to people helps to solve problems.
He would like to see free bussing for folks around town, a bowling alley, and a skating rink. He would like to see franchises here such as McDonalds.
To get into touch with folks, he says he will make himself available to listen and hear what they are saying. He will show up and be there, as a council member.