The Bethel Advisory School Board conducted an election on October 5th, 2021 for three open seats. Seven candidates were running – Sonya Beaver, Deshan Foret, Brian Jackson, Mark Jones, Jamie Jacobs-McDonald, Winter Montgomery, and Wyatt Rogers. Seats open were Seat 1, a three-year term, currently held by Mark Jones. Seat 2, a three-year term, currently held by Winter Montgomery. And Seat 3, a two-year term, to fill seat vacated by Louise Russell.
Sonya Beaver was elected to fill an open 3-year seat. Winter Montgomery was elected to fill an open 3-year seat. Mark Jones was elected to fill the open 2-year seat.
The LKSD Board of Education has delegated advisory authority at each school site to a local Advisory School Board (ASB). The Bethel ASB serves Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat (M.E.), Gladys Jung Elementary (GJE) and Bethel Regional High School (BRHS). The Bethel ASB holds monthly meetings throughout the school year. Elections for new Board members are held each October. (Note: The Ayaprun Elitnaurvik and the Kuskokwim Learning Academy (KLA) have their own governing bodies and are not under the Bethel ASB.)