by Greg Lincoln
Hello friends. Have you filled out your census questionnaire yet? It looks like we as a state are nearly last in the nation according to census updates. Alaska’s census self-response rate is 37.2 percent, compared to 56.3 overall nationwide as of this past Sunday. And Bethel’s self-response rate is 10.4 percent.
As you may know, census counts are used for federal funding for kids’ and senior meal programs, child care, housing, rural water and sewer projects, etc. for the next 10 years. It is also useful for businesses for planning and for health funding.
If you don’t have access to internet or computers, there is a number you can call: 844-330-2020. There is also other resources for Alaskans at AlaskaCounts.org. There is a tutorial that is in Yugtun and other native languages.
A few weeks ago we in our family were enumerated online and it didn’t take much time at all. It’s been ten years since our last census. Do you remember where you were and what you were up to? A lot has changed since then for us all. We hope you and your families are doing good.