Get your creative juices flowing and possibly win $50! AVEC is holding a design contest to commission a special logo to commemorate our 50th year of providing power. AVEC first started energizing small villages in rural Alaska in 1968. Thanks to the perseverance and dedication of our power plant operators, staff, and members, we surmounted countless challenges over the past 50 years and now our service area is the largest of any retail electric cooperative in the world.
This single-use logo should include the words 50 years or five decades or “since 1968”, along with the name of our co-op. The overall design could incorporate one or several images or symbols of electric power, village life, power plant operators, wind turbines, Northern Lights, or whatever the artist feels best expresses how electric power has enhanced our lives. All work should be original.
The contest deadline is November 6, 2018. If possible, the finished artwork should be a high-resolution .eps file. But we can also accept hand-drawn artwork that is faxed or mailed to us. Artwork can be submitted via e-mail at [email protected]; faxed toll-free to 800-478-4086; or mailed to 4831 Eagle Street, Anchorage, Alaska, 99503. Include your contact information with your artwork submission.
The winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card and a sweatshirt with the logo on the back. For more information, contact Amy Murphy at 907-565-5343 or via e-mail at [email protected].