by AVCP Staff
AVCP expressed dismay in learning that the Census deadline was changed without notice, consultation, or consideration for the tribes and tribal communities (and other communities as well) who are struggling to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tribal communities are historically undercounted. Alaska is home to 229 federally recognized tribes and our response rate is currently the second lowest in the Nation, at 50%.
“An inaccurate Census count will have negative consequences for the next decade if tribal communities are unable to access the full amount of funding to meet their infrastructure, health care, educational, housing, and welfare needs. AVCP has worked continuously to share Census information with our tribes. We need every opportunity for full participation in the U.S. Census for all individuals that live in the YK Delta. Keeping the deadline extended to October 31 will help meet that goal.” says Vivian Korthuis, AVCP Chief Executive Officer.
In a letter to members of the Alaska Congressional Delegation, the Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) strongly opposed the U.S. Census Bureau’s plans to prematurely end 2020 Census field operations on September 30, 2020. AVCP requests immediate action in maintaining the original Census deadline: October 31, 2020.