AVCP Awards Nominations Open

The Association of Village Council Presidents is accepting nominations for the 2024 AVCP President’s Awards to be given at the annual convention in August. The deadline is July 24th, 2024. All nominees submitted to AVCP may be considered for the annual AFN President’s Awards at the discretion of AVCP.

Nominees must be of good moral character and have no felony crime convictions or crimes involving harm to a child or children. The award categories and selection criteria are as follows and awards nominees must be living:


An Alaska Native in the health field who has improved the health outcomes of Native peoples through their competence and commitment. Nominees may be doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, case managers, schedulers provider, traditional healers, or health care administrators.


An Alaska Native who has demonstrated strong commitment, competence and sensitivity in the education field, and whose accomplishments have improved educational opportunities for Alaska Natives. Individuals nominated for this award may be involved in traditional education, preschool, elementary, secondary, or postsecondary education; the nominee can be cultural educator, parents, committee members, school board members, administrators, teacher aides, or other education-related professionals, who have been a positive role model for the Alaska Native community.


An Alaska Native who exemplifies and preserves the spirit of successful subsistence hunting, trapping and sharing, and our way of life. Nominees acknowledge and ensure that the next generations of providers will carry on the traditions and customs in harmony and peace to sustain their extended families.

Small Business

An Alaska Native business owner who has demonstrated success in business with a commitment to their community, which has improved economic opportunities for Alaska Natives.

Youth Leadership (Young Man)

Nominees must be young men, 18-30 years of age who demonstrate leadership qualities.