by Peter Twitchell
Twenty-three years ago a doctor in Bethel told me that I had arthritis on one of my spinal discs back of my neck. I called is a stroke of Bad Luck.
I remember back to when I was a toddler and the fall I had off of a chair hitting the area in the back of my neck, which was now affected.
A piece of bone had grown and was starting to affect my esophagus and the swallowing of food.
The surgeon who performed my operation was from Seattle serving at the Swedish hospital there. During pre-op he had told me my operation would take approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
As the anesthesiologist started administering sleeping gas to me I said a prayer. I asked God Almighty to guide the hands and mind of the surgeon as he had told me my surgery could leave me paralyzed if something went wrong.
I signed a sheet of paper stating that I understand the risks involved.
The surgery was successful as I awoke fully functional.
The surgeon told me the operation took just 15 minutes!
“It is no secret what God Almighty can do.” I was physically healed once before in 1983. It was nothing less than a miracle.
This past Thanksgiving I had a lot to be thankful for. I appreciated all the well-wishers who texted me. I am thankful I had a Thanksgiving meal with my family. I am grateful to the health care providers of the Alaska Native Medical center and support staff for all they did for me.
It was nothing short of a miracle and my health care provider who referred me to ENT Clinic for my surgery. And thanks, but not least, to my surgeon Dr. Aroff.
I want to thank all the prayer warriors who prayed for me. I was covered with their prayers. Quyana.