Two attorneys have applied to the Alaska Judicial Council for a position on the Bethel District Court. Applicants for the judgeships will be evaluated by the Council’s seven members (the chief justice, three non-attorney members, and three attorney members). Comprehensive background investigations, a survey of Alaska Bar members, and personal interviews with the applicants are all part of the evaluations, according to the Council’s Executive Director, Susanne DiPietro. Interviews with applicants and public hearings will be held in August 2024. The Council will nominate two or more applicants for each vacancy to send to the governor, after which the governor will have 45 days to make appointments from the Council’s lists of nominees.
The applicants for the Bethel District Court are:
Jessica Ruth Haines: Ms. Haines has been an Alaskan resident for 7½ years and has practiced law 7½ years. She graduated from Emory University School of Law in 2016 and is currently an assistant district attorney in Bethel.
Colleen Baxter: Magistrate Judge Baxter has been an Alaska resident for 54 years and has practiced law for 26½ years. She graduated from Temple University, Beasley School of Law in 1996, and is currently a magistrate judge in Kotzebue.
There are also three applicants for the Palmer District Court: Chris Darnall, Derek M. Koehler, and Glenn J. Shidner.
Public comment on the qualifications of these applicants is encouraged during the evaluation phase of the council’s work. To comment, or for further information, contact Susanne Dipietro, Executive Director, Alaska Judicial Council, 510 L Street, Suite 450, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-1295, (907) 279-2526.