by Peter Twitchell
The meetings where alcoholics and recovering alcoholics meet and share their successes and defeats is an important part to recovery from the devastation alcohol has caused in our lives.
It is important to hear others successes who deal with the same problems we do. It’s a real confidence builder and we sure can use the support of others like us.
It’s good to see that the group is starting up again Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Catholic Church in Bethel, and meetings are scheduled for 8AM to 9AM on those dates.
Early on in my recovery in 1995 I attended meetings at the Catholic Church where meetings were chaired by Chuck Hunt. He was a strong voice for sobriety, and the meetings were attended by at least a dozen men, occasionally there were women present.
Coed groups are necessary to hear both sides, it’s a window to better understanding how the disease of alcoholism affects families and relationships, so we all benefit.
Support groups like this is important to our individual recovery, because we are not alone. It’s like one arrow, when we feel as though we’re standing alone, as compared to a bundle of arrows which cannot be broken, and there’s strength in numbers, a brotherhood of recovering alcoholics.
So, embrace these meetings as they open up to us. Seek the support and help yourself to the path of living a sober life again. Good Luck!