Alaskans impacted by 2024 Spring Floods eligible for Individual Assistance

Individuals and families with damage or emergency expenses encouraged to apply.

The Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHS&EM) will be accepting applications for the State Individual Assistance (IA) and Temporary Housing programs for those with damage or emergency expenses related to the 2024 Spring Floods. Communities within the Lower Kuskokwim and Yupiit Regional Education Attendance Area are eligible.

State Individual Assistance registration will begin on May 13, 2024.

On May 13, disaster survivors can register for the IA program by visiting the DHS&EM registration webpage at Ready.Alaska.Gov/IA. Telephone registration is available at 1-844-445-7131.

“While our River Watch teams continue to provide alert and warning to communities who could still be impacted by ice-jam flooding we have made our disaster recovery programs available to survivors who no longer have high water in their community,” said Director Bryan Fisher, DHS&EM. “We could still see additional flooding in the coming days and weeks. The State Emergency Operation Center and our other emergency response partners are ready to act when needed.”

The IA program is designed to provide financial assistance to individuals or families for damage to primary residence, primary mode of transportation, essential personal property and medical/funeral/dental needs created as a direct result of a declared disaster.

Please have the following information available when you apply:

• Description of damages and/or losses (written, photos, video)

• Home ownership documentation

• Insurance information

• Personal Identification

• Proof of occupancy (utility bill)

Homeowners and renters with homes that are damaged and/or unlivable may be eligible for State Individual Assistance Temporary Housing.