by Greg Lincoln
The primary election is scheduled for this Tuesday, August 18th, 2020. On the official ballot for the Democratic and Independence Party are four candidates for U.S. Senator: Edgar Blatchford of Anchorage, Chris C. Cumings of Ketchikan, Al Gross of Anchorage, and John Wayne Howe of Fairbanks. For U.S. Representative we have Alyse Galvin of Anchorage, William “Bill” Hibler of Fairbanks, and Ray Sean Tugatuk of Manokotak.
On the Republican primary ticket we have: incumbent Dan Sullivan for U.S. Senator; Gerald Heikes of Palmer, T. John Nelson of Chugiak, and incumbent Don Young running for U.S. Representative.
For our local candidates we have incumbent State Representative Tiffany Zulkosky (D) running for House District 38.
There are two candidates in the primary race for House District 39: incumbent Neal Foster of Nome and Tyler Ivanoff of Shishmaref.
House District 37 has one candidate on the Democratic ballot: incumbent Bryce Edgmon of Dillingham.
In the running for State Senator for District M, we have Harold Borbridge, formerly of Newtok, on the republican ballot. His competitors are incumbent Joshua Revak and Ray Metcalfe, both of Anchorage.
Well wishes to all, and stay safe when voting.