by Representative Tiffany Zulkosky
February 25, 2022
Dear friends + neighbors,
The work of the FY23 budget subcommittees in the House is coming to a close this week. As standing and policy committee work resumes, I look forward to continuing work to improve rural public safety, advance State partnerships with Tribes, and roll up my sleeves to protect culturally-relevant education. Over the last couple of weeks, it was wonderful to have a series of in-person visits with friends and constituents.
Thank you for the opportunity to offer an update on happenings in the Capitol.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Health and Social Services Budget Subcommittee
We have been working hard on the FY23 Health and Social Services budget in recent weeks. We were pleased to see the return of funding for many crucial programs that had previously been cut or vetoed, such as retention bonuses for front line Office of Children’s Services (OCS) workers.
I was proud to again offer an amendment to increase funding for the Tribal Child Welfare Compact. This important program augments the work of OCS by leveraging Tribal resources and personnel. My amendment adds $1.9 million in funding, bringing the total FY23 appropriation to $5 million and was adopted with bi-partisan support in a vote of 6-2.
Due to Executive Order 121, which proposes to split the Department of Health and Social Services into a Department of Health and a Department of Family and Community Services, we have been considering two separate budgets for FY23. Since the question of whether the Legislature will oppose the bifurcation is still unresolved, I voted against funding the salaries related to standing up a duplicate Commissioner’s office for the new department. We will continue our work on this important issue in standing committee next week.
VPSO Hearing in Tribal Affairs
Yesterday, the House Special Committee on Tribal Affairs heard testimony about the status and opportunities to improve the Village Public Safety Officer program. Quyana to Commissioner Jim Cockrell, Director Joel Hard, President Richard (Chalyee Éesh) Peterson and Mike Nemeth for their update before the committee.
My personal legislation in the 32nd Alaska State Legislature
HB 38, an act related to addressing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, is awaiting next steps in the House Special Committee on Tribal Affairs.
HB 123, State Recognition of Tribes, passed the House last Spring and is awaiting its next hearing in Senate State Affairs.
HB 147, an act related to the teacher education loan program for rural educators, is awaiting next steps in the House Education Committee.
HB 184, an act related to the Tribal Child Welfare Compact, passed the House last Spring and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Health and Social Services Committee.
HB 198, marking September 10 as Community Health Aide Appreciation Day, passed the House last Spring and is waiting for its first hearing in Senate State Affairs.
HB 313, an act related to Village Public Safety Officer Grants, is awaiting its first hearing in House Special Committee on Tribal Affairs.
HB 351, an act related to State-Tribal education compacting, was introduced this week and was referred to the House Education Committee.
HB 374, an act related to village safe water and hygienic sewage disposal, was introduced on the House Floor this week and was referred to the House Special Committee on Tribal Affairs.
*SMS Bill Tracking!* Text a bill number (ex: HB1) to 559-245-2529 to enroll in text alerts. You will receive an enrollment confirmation and instructions on how to stop receiving the alerts.
I would love to hear from you if you have a suggestion for a legislative citation of importance to District 38!
What is a citation? It is an official document expressing commendation, condolences, appreciation or congratulations to an individual or group.
There are two types of citations: “Honorarium” recognizes a person, organization, or special occasion. “In Memorium” honors someone who has recently passed away.
Please feel free to call or e-mail my office if you have any questions.
Office of Representative Tiffany Zulkosky
Alaska House District 38
Alaska State Capitol, Room 416
Juneau, Alaska 99801