The Akiak Native Community Tribal Council issued their policy regarding the Corona Virus pandemic during an emergency meeting on Friday, March 20, 2020.
Akiak Native Community felt that they need to keep the normal way of doing things as much as possible but with the following precautionary measures effective March 23, 2020 and ends on April 6th, 2020.
The modifications are as follows:
1. No out of region travel unless for health or legal reasons.
2. If anyone travelled outside of the region and coming back, stay home and work from home.
3. No outside of the region visitors unless providing essential emergency services for two weeks.
4. Bingo will remain in effect with the same policies that apply as stated above to everyone. The customers will be screened at the door. Those that are having bad colds, coughing will not be allowed in the building.
5. This will be effective March 23rd and ends on April 6, 2020. We will review this policy anytime and may extend it if necessary.
6. We also reviewed the Yupiit School District policy and applaud their recent action regarding their students and their staff.
“If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me or email me on Akiak Native Community COVID 19 policy,” said Mike Williams Sr., Chief of Akiak Native Community.