This is a message from Mike Williams Sr., Tribal Chief of the Akiak Native Community:
One of our Tribal citizens from Akiak has not arrived from his travel by snow machine from Akiak to Togiak on April 10, 2020. Albert Kvamme, Jr. has not arrived to Togiak and is between Akiak and Togiak. Teams from Akiachak, Akiak, Bethel Search and Rescue and the Alaska State Troopers from Bethel and Togiak, and Black Hawk Helicopter has been out flying when weather permits for flying. Teams of search and rescue from Togiak have made several trips for his usual trails but has seen no sign of snow machine tracks. The snow melt has hampered the search efforts. We will continue to search for Albert, Jr when flying weather permits to try to locate him. The teams from Alaska National Guards and several villages have been on standby to go once he is spotted. Team from Goodnews Bay was also looking out for him.
Again, hoping the weather is good enough for flying so we can continue to use the air support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Please call Mike Williams, Sr. at 907-765-2061 with any information.