by the Akiak Tribal Court
The Village of Akiak is a Dry Community and will remain Dry until a legal vote for Local Option passes, per ordinance:
•The sale of alcohol and importation within the City limits of Akiak is illegal.
•The Akiak Tribal Court and Tribal Police Officers will continue to enforce alcohol-related Tribal Ordinances (laws) against those that violate them.
On March 30th, 2021, the City of Akiak held a special election for Local Option. The ballot was invalid, there was no option on the ballot to vote for “Akiak to remain DRY”, which is the current status and has been since the Local Option vote on 09/01/1999.
Importation and Sale of Alcohol: Any importation or sales of alcohol in the Village of Akiak shall be prohibited. Any persons violating this ordinance shall be tried in the Akiak Tribal Court. Penalties: All person/s caught in violation of this ordinance shall be brought before the Akiak Tribal Court for Disposition of the case.