On behalf of the board and staff at AIDEA, we extend our gratitude and appreciation to Rep. Don Young, his family, and his staff for tirelessly advocating for this incredible place we call home. As a leader in Washington, D.C., he was a vocal champion for responsible economic development in Alaska and was instrumental in advancing critical AIDEA projects, including the Alaska Ship and Drydock in Ketchikan, maintaining non-wilderness portions of ANWR for development, and ensuring access to the Ambler Mining District under ANILCA. Serving the 49th state for 49 years in Congress, Rep. Young leaves behind an Alaska-sized legacy that we as public servants hope to honor through our own work for generations to come.
Dana Pruhs, AIDEA Board Chair
Anchorage, AK
Institute of the North mourns U.S. Representative Don Young’s Passing
The Institute of the North extends its condolences to Don Young’s family, friends, staff, former staff and all Alaskans as we remember his life and legacy. As the longest-serving Republican member of Congress, Don Young represented the State of Alaska for 49 years. The 2004 recipient of the Walter J. Hickel Award, Representative Don Young’s contributions to the State of Alaska, its citizens, and its progress will be remembered for the decades to come.
Entering Congress in 1973, 2 years after the Alaska Native Claims Settlements Act (ANCSA), Representative Young was instrumental in the development of ANCSA as well as advocating for unrecognized tribes. A man of many legacies: a riverboat captain, former-fifth grade teacher, and legislator, his identity and policies epitomized the beauty of Alaska; a state where no one is a square peg in a round hole. Don Young leaves behind a great legacy of leadership as the sponsor of a staggering 123 bills and member of the Natural Resources committee.
Don Young’s presence and fierce advocacy for Alaska will be missed.
Institute of the North
Anchorage, Alaska
Thank you for choosing to make Alaska your home!
The deadline for applying for your PFD is fast approaching, and the application period will close next Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 11:59 pm. Don’t miss the deadline!
If you’re one of the 530,000 Alaskans who has already applied online, thank you! If you are one of the 140,000 that has yet to apply, just under two weeks remain to apply for your PFD.
Do you still need to apply? Have you moved recently? Did you switch to a different bank? Please review your application and ensure we have accurate information for your financial institution or your mailing address. Doing so will allow you to receive your PFD in a timely fashion!
Every year thousands of applications require additional information or corrections for typos on the applicant’s address or banking information. The need for additional information may delay the payment of your PFD. The PFD Division reminds you to log in to your myPFD account and ensure that your application is in “eligible” status and that all of your information is correct.
Choosing to file online usually means completed applications have all the necessary information to determine your eligibility. This also allows you to update information should anything change before the October payment run. Signing your application electronically assists with faster eligibility determinations and can provide you with a guarantee that you’ve followed all the required steps to receive your PFD this fall.
This is also a reminder of the various programs that partner with the PFD Division. The Alaska 529 is an education savings plan designed to make it easy for parents and loved ones to save for education.
Pick. Click. Give. allows Alaskans filing for their PFD online to donate a portion of or their entire dividend to eligible charitable and educational organizations.
And newest to our portfolio: the PFD Education Raffle. This raffle allows anyone filing a PFD online application for themselves (18 years old or older) the option to choose to donate money from their PFD to public education. Donations are made in $100 increments. For every $100, you can submit 1 entry into the Education Raffle. This year’s first-place winner won over $45,000! The second-place winner won over $23,000, the third-place winner won over $11,000, and the fourth-place winner won over $5,000.
More than $663,000 went to providing educational opportunities for Alaskan children.
We look forward to this raffle continuing to grow to help with public education funds and produce more lucky winners.
In closing, thank you for applying before the March 31st filing deadline! Please take a look at the wonderful application programs discussed in more detail here: https://pfd.alaska.gov/
DOR Commissioner Lucinda Mahoney and Senator Click Bishop
Juneau, AK