The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces an Emergency Order opening and season extension of the RM 621 resident winter moose season in GMU 18, in the portion south and including the Goodnews River drainage. This winter season will allow additional opportunity for the harvest of 10 moose. Permits for this hunt are available in the communities of Goodnews Bay and Platinum.
In January of 2017 the BOG adopted new regulation that allows the state to administer a winter moose hunting season in the Goodnews River area. This January the weather in Goodnews Bay was unseasonably warm, with little to no snow accumulation making travel difficult. The warm weather also made river travel conditions unsafe. Currently travel conditions have improved. The harvest quota for this area is 30 bull moose during the fall season and hunters harvested 13.
The moose population is between 250-330 animals and can support the additional winter harvest. Because we anticipate some cow harvest, the winter quota is set at 10 moose with a March 12 to March 31 hunting season. All successful hunters must report to the Bethel Fish and Game office within 36 hours. Unsuccessful hunters must report by April 15, 2018.
All other moose seasons and bag limits in Unit 18 remain unchanged and are not affected by this emergency order.