In a June 22, 2020 teleconference, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) discussed and took action on three Emergency Special Action Requests. The Board rejected FSA20-04 and FSA20-05, and approved WSA19-14.
The Board rejected FSA20-04, requesting a dipnet, and rod and reel fishery on the lower Copper River, citing opposition from the two affected Federally recognized Tribes and the Cordova City Council. The Board noted that there is a similar Fisheries proposal currently being considered, and that this proposal will provide more public process on this issue before a decision is made.
The Board rejected FSA20-05, requesting closure of Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River drainage to the harvest of Chum and Sockeye Salmon by non-Federally qualified subsistence users. The Board considered the closure to be an unnecessary restriction on non-Federally qualified users because no conservation concerns exist for either Chum or Sockeye Salmon in the Kuskokwim River drainage. Conservation measures to conserve Chinook Salmon, such as early season closures, windowed harvest opportunities, and restricted net requirements, will continue to be implemented, in close coordination with the requests of the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and other users. These efforts continue to afford pre-cautionary and conservative Chinook Salmon harvest opportunities that allow for the continuation of subsistence uses, and align with current in-season indicators.
The Board approved WSA19-14, which requested an emergency moose and deer season for the community of Kake in Unit 3. The Board approved an up to 60 day season during summer 2020 for the community of Kake, with a community harvest limit of up to 4 bull moose and up to 10 male Sitka black-tailed deer. The hunt will be administered by the U.S. Forest Service, Petersburg District Ranger. The Board supported this emergency season for reasons of public safety related to food security concerns in Kake due to intermittent and unreliable food deliveries. The Board noted that no conservation concerns exist for resources as a result of this request.
Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at or by visiting
This news release was issued on June 24, 2020.