I am watching 360North.org where Governor Bill Walker is dispensing awards with Elisabeth Qaulluk Cravalho and Benjamin Brown. I’m also listening to KYUK, reading a book, and a newspaper.
Like always I cannot help but wonder why those who REALLY deserve awards never get awarded – after all, those getting the awards are being awarded for issues, ideas, suggestions, deeds done by those who never receive a slightest recognition. (Oh! These are other CEOs and directors of this and that participating.) Such audacity!
Is it not funny (getting away from the above) that the “high wind” weather prediction (for a millionth time!) did not once again materialize?
The crux of this epistle is really about INJUSTICE. In this particular case it regards this ex-representative of District 38, and my million and one questions that surround it. Aaaand, of course! There are individuals/agencies who are clawing in like starving crows and cats to earn monetary gains from it. Hey! Are those of us suffering more from it suffering more? Oh well! In the end the truth will be visible to the most farthest star cosmotalically – right? Right!
I’m very, very, very disappointed in our former representative! What in the world made him think that he is above the law? Is he not even slightly embarrassed, where there are many of us who are horrendously embarrassed?
Like I’ve been saying ever since I was but a baby: alcohol, drugs (both pharmaceutically and illegally dispensed) will induce even the most educated, well-intentioned Homo Sapien to get greedy, fakey, and to believe that they can get away with it.
Nakleng makucit cuut! Taangam pingraan keneksaaqaput, pellugcitaput. Cali keyianeng ernerpak amllepiarquneng agayutaput kaigalluki piciulriamun ikirucimalqeluki. Nakleng! Kenkamci cali pellugcilluci. Kitaki-tuq alartellerpecinek elici!
Greg, Kelly – you’re two individuals who should receive such awards on a weekly basis. Agayuneq tamalkun wiinga nunuliramtek for education, social services, health care, emotional, psychological, religious, science (of all sorts), far sightedness, ETC, ETC, ETC!
Kitaki caperrnarqengraan (panikegtaarpetegneng tamarillertek) caliqcaagarniartutek cali civuuneq keyianeng tangvagturluku, qaa?
Quyanvak cakneq! As my late Mom (Theresa Ulroan-Tommy), and Aunt Louisa Nash-Tall said numerous times a day and a night.
May the Cillam Cua bless one and all in the universe and forgive us all for our wrong deeds. Yours truly…
Ms. Mary C. Nanuwak
Bethel, AK
Response to letters regarding Donlin Gold project
Andrew Guy: Calista Corporation
In response to your letter to the Delta Discovery, I feel I needed to write down my questions and comments here, as well.
I am a shareholder of both Calista and The Kuskokwim corporations. I am Yupik Eskimo and Athabascan Indian. Please allow me to refer you to an article written by the nationally acclaimed National Geographic magazine, (issue February 21, 2018, AMERICA’S MOST TOXIC TOWN IS NOT THE PLACE YOU THINK, pertaining to the Red Dog Mine in Kotzebue, Alaska (Issue February 21,2018).
The Red Dog Mine, located 80 north of Kotzebue, partially owned by the NANA corporation, opened in1989, which has been only in use for 29 years.
Seeing that it already has affected the PEOPLE and the REGION, I was hoping our corporations would see the consequences of the mine; CONTAMINATIONS and SPILLS (in 2015, another in 2016!) That is UNACCEPTABLE and unavoidable!
Are you not aware of this?
We do not need another mine like Red Dog to be opened in our region!
It tells how it is ALREADY affecting the health and subsistence lives of my fellow Inupiat Eskimos!
PLEASE reconsider the potential opening of the Donlin Gold mine!
You say that they will have certain guidelines to go by, although I’m positive that they had the same and it has had already 2 spills and there is contamination!
I do not want that same problem affecting our people and lifestyle say 25 years of that Donlin Gold Mine!
Can you say it won’t happen?
I need to be 100% positive before I support any minings’ opening up, aka the Donlin Gold mine.
You are our CEO, and I would appreciate a response to this letter.
As we, the shareholders are not getting any explanations from both board of directors and/or staff. We are requesting explanations.
There are more articles written of the mines worldwide per se, but the one written in the National Geographic stands out because Alaska is our home and it’s quite similar to the one of the Donlin Gold mine will be.
Lorraine Mellick- Mihaljevic
Sleetmute, AK
Net Neutrality
Traveling in rural parts of Alaska, I visit with students at their school. On those visits, I may turn to the teenagers and ask: who likes basketball? All raise their hands. Who likes hunting? Again, all hands raise. When I ask – where’s the best place to get online? Without hesitation, all chime in: “School.”
The classroom of today throughout Alaska, from Point Hope to Prince of Wales, is without borders thanks to the Internet. Students and educational institutions in this state are dependent on the Internet to learn and access information and educational resources. Beyond the classroom, broadband internet can be a lifeline for many of our residents who live in remote areas removed from any law enforcement presence, where a call to a State Trooper or health professional hundreds of miles away is essential for health and safety. Not only do Alaska residents rely on the Internet to communicate with family and friends, but they also rely on the Internet to participate in the democratic process, to access health and safety resources, to learn, and to research important family and personal decisions.
It’s clear: Alaskans need Internet that is open and accessible, and Congress should take action to protect that accessibility. Internet access is as essential as the many utility services we take for granted, such as sewer, water, and electricity.
But, as pointed out by Senator Murkowski, Alaska is different. Sometimes, especially in Alaska, Internet prioritization is required and even essential. Prioritization is already in-use in Alaska for distance education and telehealth. The reality of competing uses is more evident in an Arctic community of 200 than a community of 200,000. A clinic or school in the community may need to see the transfer speeds it needs to perform an online consultation with a specialist in Anchorage. Schools may have to send out an announcement on the CB radio, still used in rural Alaska, to have folks pause their Netflix so they can download and proctor the State’s assessment test. These challenges are simply not as prevalent in other states. These challenges are unique to Alaska’s vast geography and rural nature of the state. Certain principles of net neutrality—as pushed forward by other individual states—should be considered differently and carefully. A comprehensive solution is needed on the federal front, and it’s important that this solution account for Alaska’s differences.
Part of this federal solution is a Bill of Rights for consumers. This should spell out that consumers are entitled to an Internet that is open and not blocked or censored. This Bill of Rights is a means to set basic ground rules for Internet service providers and to lay out the framework for innovation.
Another step is to continue seeking innovative solutions to broadband challenges at the state level. Access is essential for Alaskans. We need an overall approach to increasing and improving access to broadband across the state without leaving certain Alaskans behind. But we must be careful when we craft this solution that we don’t hinder important work already being done to connect rural communities.
Alaska needs some of the protections of net neutrality, while encouraging the innovation that drives investment in the more rural parts of the state. Thinking back to the students in the classroom, this conversation isn’t about who likes what: basketball or hunting, neutral or restricted internet. This is about where we go, now and in the future, to access information, receive health care, and engage in public discourse.
Governor Bill Walker
Juneau, AK