Many RAHI alumni will tell you that the summer they spent amongst their peers at UAF’s Troth Yeddha’ campus changed the course of their lives. Comments like “best summer ever!” and “most challenging, yet rewarding program I’ve ever completed,” are commonplace in our world. In a typical summer, rural and Alaska Native students would be living in McIntosh Hall absorbed in a challenging curriculum, exploring the outdoor adventures that interior Alaska has to offer, taking advantage of $1 scoop ice cream Thursdays, and making late-night runs to Fred Meyer. 2020 though, has of course not been a typical summer with the threat of COVID-19 looming.
On May 28th, RAHI 2020, a class comprised of 38 high school juniors and seniors hailing from 24 communities across the state, embarked upon the RAHI challenge like no other cohort has before – fully online. Over the course of six weeks, they’ve Zoomed like champions, starting their days at 9:00am and ending at 9:00pm, while overcoming connectivity and technology challenges and balancing the demands of family, friends, jobs, and subsistence lifestyles.
On paper, 36 RAHI students will have earned up to ten UAF credits in subjects like Alaska Native language, biomedical research, business, chemistry, education, library science, process technology, study skills, and writing. Beyond their classes, these students have forged friendships with one another, developed self-discipline, gotten comfortable with asking for help, and proven their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.
We are extremely proud of this year’s class and all of the dedicated staff and instructors that supported them. As we come to a close, we invite you to join us in celebrating their exceptional success.
RAHI Research Presentations were held online July 8th 2-3:00pm. The 38th Annual RAHI Graduation took place on July 10th 11-1:00pm followed by the RAHI Award Ceremony, July 10th 1:30-3:00pm.
RAHI 2020 was made possible through partnerships with Alyeska, Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST), ConocoPhillips, First National Bank of Alaska, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, University of Alaska, UAF College of Rural and Community Development, Wells Fargo, and generous private donors.
To date, nearly 1800 students have attended RAHI and our alumni have earned over 1155 degrees.
All students received completion certificates. Those who also obtained academic honors are noted.
Student City `Honors
Marinolle Acoba Dutch Harbor Academic Honors
Jenna Alkhabi Ketchikan Academic Honors
Jade Balansag Wrangell Academic Honors
Rebecca Basile Healy Academic Honors
Benjamin Brown Denali Park Academic Honors
Payton Commack Unalakleet
Jacob Cook Healy Academic Honors
Shayla Fuller Dillingham
Lauryn Garnie Teller Academic Honors
Ermelina Gonzalez Anchorage Academic Honors
Marjorie Hingsbergen Selawik Academic Honors
Terra Hoyt Wrangell Academic Honors
Brianna Ivanoff Unalakleet
Meagan Johnson Nome Academic Honors
Julia Kaltenekker Tok Academic Honors
Autumn Madison Kotzebue
Kirsten B. McLain Galena Academic Honors
Carlee Merriner Galena Academic Honors
Bladmher Mondina Unalaska Academic Honors
Alyssa Nayokpuk Fairbanks Academic Honors
Vivian Nguyen Dutch Harbor Academic Honors
Lucas Parker Kodiak Academic Honors
Tia Patkotak Anchorage Academic Honors
Iris Paul Kipnuk
Aleutia Peters Unalaska Academic Honors
Leena Robinson Nenana
Kylie Rose-Wooton Kake Academic Honors
William Sallison Saint Mary’s Academic Honors
Agnik Schaeffer Kotzebue
Andrea Storer Anchorage Academic Honors
Devin Ticket Selawik Academic Honors
Kevin Tran Unalaska Academic Honors
Lizzie Tran Dutch Harbor Academic Honors
Taylor Vantrease Kake
Macey Witrosky Nome Academic Honors
Reagan Young Sitka