by BCSF Staff
The Kuskokwim Ice Classic is gearing up for another exciting year!
For the second year in a row, the Ice Classic features a jackpot of $12,500. The deadline to return guesses is Monday, April 16 at 5 pm.
Sales are now available at three permanent sales locations – the BCSF Office, the YK Fitness Center and Swanson’s Customer Service counter. You can purchase your 2018 guesses at any time those locations are open.
It may be early in the season, but if you buy your tickets now – guesses do not need to be turned in until the deadline! In partnership with Fili’s Pizza, the Ice Classic also plans to launch a fourth permanent sales location at Fili’s restaurant in mid-March.
Youth group sales will begin Cama-i Dance Festival weekend (March 16-18) at AC, and will continue from that point forward with sales at key times of day at both AC and Swanson’s. Participating youth groups earn half the proceeds from their ticket sales for their groups.
The Bethel groups participating this year include Teens Acting Against Violence, Delta Illusions Dance Company, YK Delta Lifesavers Fund and KLA Student Government.
The participating youth groups outside of Bethel are: Napaskiak Senior Class, Kwigillingok Senior Class, Aniak Mix-Six Volleyball Team, and the Native Village of Hooper Bay Youth Program.
Phone sales for people living in locations where tickets are not available will be available starting April 1. The Ice Classic sales phone number is 907-545-8483. The Ice Classic encourages folks living in communities where youth groups are selling tickets to purchase locally and benefit your local youth programs.
Thanks to a generous contribution from GCI, we will once again be streaming a live feed of the tripod through our webcam on the website. We expect the live feed to be up around in late March, and thank GCI for the internet access so that people can monitor the river conditions and tripod status remotely. We also expect the tripod to go up in late March when weather conditions allow.
For guesses that were not turned in at the time of purchase, drop box locations can be found at Bethel Community Services Foundation (BCSF), RAVN, AC, the YK Fitness Center and Swanson’s.
The winner of the $12,500 Ice Classic jackpot will be determined by the person or persons who guess the exact minute of breakup. If the exact minute hasn’t been guessed, the closest minute to breakup will win. In the past, if no one guessed the exact time, the winner was determined by the person with the closest time without going over. If no one has guessed the exact minute of breakup, the next closest minute on either side of the exact minute will be the winning time. In the event of multiple winners, the pot will be split accordingly.
Many of the Ice Classic fans are curious about the Second Chance contest and separate jackpot that we introduced in 2017. The Second Chance depends on weather conditions immediately after the main Ice Classic deadline of April 16. We will post an announcement about Second Chance on our website, Facebook page and Twitter as soon as the main Ice Classic sales end and we evaluate weather conditions.
Please check out our website at or find us on Facebook and Twitter, for updates. If you have any questions, please contact Ice Classic manager Haley Hanson at 545-6677.