Day: July 26, 2017

State of Alaska District Court in Bethel July 10 – July 20
Judgments Ronald Aloysius Bell Jr., 20 4th Degree Assault 6 Mos. Melvin D. Pavilla, 40 4th Degree Assault 150 Days, 2 Yrs. Prob. Jennifer A. Charlie, 32 2nd Degree Harassment 1 Day, 1 Yr. Prob. […]

Bethel Fire Department Calls for week ending July 20
• On 07-15-17 at 1:45 a.m., Medics responded to AVCP for the report of a person who was assaulted. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital. • On 07-15-17 at 8:42 p.m., medics […]

Uninsured rate for Alaska Native children cut almost in half
by Trevor Storrs Alaska is among the top states leading a national trend in improvements to health care coverage rates for American Indian/Alaska Native children, according to a new report by the Georgetown University Center […]

Moosaboo Joe’s Rhubarb Delight
by Millie Bentley Greetings. I got this recipe from Nancy Grant and Gerry Nielson who ran the Chickadee Bed and Breakfast in Anchorage. Gerry said that she got the recipe from an old friend in […]

The Butterfly Effect
by Dr. Lorin Bradbury Question: What is the “butterfly effect” and how does it apply to family therapy? Answer: The concept of the “Butterfly Effect” has its origin in Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory describes certain […]

Kobe Jason Paul March 18, 2000 – June 26, 2017
Kobe Jason “Lugiiq” Paul was born to Byron and Leona on March 18, 2000 in Bethel, AK. Kobe has 2 older brothers, Christian and Brandon, a younger brother Colton, and a younger sister Naidene. When […]

Contains less than 2% of the following ingredients: faith
by Tad Lindley What do you think is the greatest miracle in the Bible? When we contemplate the mighty things that we read about in the Bible, many things come into our mind. There is […]